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Partner With Crbhs
Allow CRBHS staff to work along-side you in providing high quality services to the families in your community. For schools and organizations wishing to learn more about partnership opportunities, don't wait! Contact us today!
Our staff will work with you to identify the needs of your school or organization, and to design a customized program aimed at achieving both short and long term goals.
Our CRBHS therapists can accommodate the unique needs of each client by providing services in the convenience of the school, or in the comfort of their own home.
CRBHS can provide a structured plan (specific days and times for sessions/groups) to ensure the services provided are not disruptive to the school or organization. Specifically, group therapy courses can be offered to your students/employees/families at your location over several different areas including but limited to: Anti-Bulling & Nonviolent Communication, Anger Management & Conflict Resolution, Grief & Loss, Self-Esteem/Self-Awareness, Substance Abuse, Stress Management & Coping Skills to name just a few. Additional group therapy courses can be tailored to fit the specific needs of the target audience.
Offering the “in-house” outpatient services offered by CRBHS is an added benefit to any organization. Your employees and/or students will have the opportunity to connect with services that they may not have otherwise have had. If your organization is a school, CRBHS provides an alternative to repeated discipline for behavioral issues by identifying the problem and reaching a solution to help prevent further disruptions. Providing outpatient mental health services can also help reduce liability for your organization to identify and treat early signs of violence & emotional/behavioral issues.