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Outpatient Services Program
Biopsychosocial Assessment
All clients referred to CRBHS will undergo an assessment process whereby biospychosocial information is collected and problems and concerns are identified. As a result of the assessment process, a treatment plan will be developed Matching the client with services that will best meet his or her needs. As the foundation of treatment, the assessment is very thorough and may take more than one session. All assessments will be completed by one of our licensed therapists. Identification and assignment of any AoD or Mental Health diagnosis if applicable, will be determined at the conclusion of this assessment.
Independent Living Skills Assessment
Assessing independent living skills in adults and adolescents help measure progress or identify special services an individual needs. This assessment can also help determine if an individual can transition out of a group home or nursing facility into an independent or semi-living situation.
Comprehensive Treatment Planning
Following completion of the assessment process, the client and therapist will work together to develop a individualized treatment plan. This plan consists of goals, objectives, and interventions to be used throughout the client's treatment. The following services may be included in the client's treatment plan:
Individual Therapy: In individual therapy, the client meets with their therapist one-on-one to address substance abuse and / or emotional and / or behavioral issues that pose as a barrier to normal everyday functioning. Often, individual therapy is supplemented with other treatment modalities such as family therapy and / or group therapy. Should individual therapy be part of the client's treatment plan, the frequency and duration will be determined in collaboration with all relevant persons. The location of individual therapy is determined by factors such as availability, convenience, and comfort; and may be delivered in the home, school, community or office setting.
Family Therapy
Quite often, it is helpful to elicit the participation of family members or other supportive individuals in one's treatment. Family dynamics are environmental factors that can overtly or covertly influence the emotional and / or behavioral integrity of an individual. In the same respect, maladaptive emotional and / or behavioral responses by one family member may negatively impact the family system as a whole. Here at CRBHS, family therapy is often used in conjunction with individual therapy to enhance the individual's ability to interact as a healthy member of a family system. Should family therapy be part of the client's treatment plan, the frequency and duration will be determined in collaboration with all relevant persons. The location of family therapy is determined by factors such as availability, convenience, and comfort; and may be delivered in the home, school, community or office setting.
Group Therapy
Individuals often find comfort in knowing that they are not alone in experiencing the emotional and/or behavioral issues that seem to be problematic for them. In general, we as human beings seek acceptance, and belonging to a larger group. In group therapy, this desire for connection to others is tapped into, and can serve as a means for positive catharsis in the treatment process. The dynamics of a group often mimic those of society in general, and learning how to interact with other group members can provide guidance for relating to others outside of the group. In addition, group members often provide support to each other, and may offer suggestions in dealing with issues similar to those that the client may be experiencing. Here at CRBHS, group therapy is often used in conjunction with individual therapy to enhance the individual's ability to interact as a healthy member of a group system. Should group therapy be part of the client's treatment plan, the frequency and duration will be determined in collaboration with all relevant parties. The location of group therapy is determined by factors such as availability, convenience, and comfort; and may be delivered in the school, community or office setting.
Crisis Support
CRBHS offers crisis support as an intervention to help individuals respond to overwhelming events and experiences. Crisis support is focused on minimizing the stress of the event and assuring that safety and other basic needs are appropriately met. In addition to providing support, therapists also help clients and families to develop coping skills to deal with the immediate crisis. This may involve helping the client to explore alternative solutions to the problem, identifying and implementing stress reduction techniques, and encouraging positive thinking. This process is not just about teaching these skills to he client, it is also about encouraging the client to make a commitment to continue utilizing these skills in the future.
Parenting Support
Children and Adolescents with emotional and behavioral issues tend to expose themselves to dangerous and even destructive behaviors. Knowing how to deal with these behaviors can mean the difference between life and death for these youth. Through parenting support, parents learn how to use love and affection, positive strokes, and appropriate consequences to motivate their children to change behavior. CRBHS therapists will work with you to enhance: communicating clear rules and expectations; addressing problematic behavior; creating structure and follow through; creating family rules; tools for dealing with arguments, sarcasm, chores, homework, and school performance; dealing with extreme behaviors such as, fighting , lying, stealing, and sexual behavior; appropriate supervision; and the appropriateness of family meetings.
Case Management/Coordination
CRBHS offers coordination of community resources to complement the mental health services already being received through our agency. This process includes planned linkage, advocacy and referral assistance. This service helps provide a continuum of care for persons that utilize services inclusive of, but are not limited to mental health, substance abuse, prevention or other services to support the consumer in self-sufficiency and community tenure. CRBHS staff works with the individual/family and their identified supports, in accordance with a treatment plan (see above) developed with and approved by the recipient and qualified staff to reach the client’s goals to remain successful in their treatment.
Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST)
Since opening its doors in 2014, Cedar Ridge Behavioral Health Solutions (CRBHS) has provided mental health and addiction treatment services to children, adolescents and adults throughout Southeastern Ohio. Until now, treatment services provided to children and adolescents was limited to basic outpatient therapy, case management and psychiatric services. Additionally, Cedar Ridge has placed providers within school systems who have verbalized a willingness to support treatment and dedicate a space for service delivery. That being said, the child & adolescent population served by Cedar Ridge has grown significantly over the past several years, and although services were being provided by the organization, CRBHS deemed it necessary to employ an evidence-supported treatment model that could be utilized by clinicians in their work with this population.
The clinical leadership of the organization set out to identify a model that considered the impact of families and other systems in the youth’s life and include them in treatment to further enhance clinical outcomes. Out of this search, Cedar Ridge was introduced to the I-FAST model. Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST) is an evidence-supported, moderated treatment approach that can be used with children, adolescents, and adults who exhibit a wide range of mental health and/or behavioral symptoms and diagnoses. The I-FAST model can be applied to outpatient treatment, case management, and intensive in-home services (Fraser, S., Grove, D., Lee, M.Y., Greene, G., Solovey, A. 2013 * Fraser, S., Solovey, A., Grove, D., Lee, M.Y., Greene, G., 2011).
I-Fast treatment protocols utilize interventions that are individualized and tailored to best serve the family in a manner that addresses the concerns for which they are seeking treatment. The treatment episode ends when identified goals are met and can be resumed if problems reoccur.
I-FAST is organized around common factors already present in many evidence-based families treatment models and - as an integrative model - allows for the incorporation of treatment procedures from other treatment modalities into the overall I-FAST framework. This allows for maximum flexibility, as well as, a treatment option that can match and adapt to a variety of client issues and beliefs.
The efficacy of I-FAST has been researched in three studies involving eight separate clinical sites in both rural and urban areas (Lee, M. Y., et al., 2009 * Lee, et al., 2011 * Lee, M. Y., et al., 2015). Currently, data is being gathered from three additional sites representing a fourth and a fifth major study. A current study using I-FAST with adults is being conducted in Hong Kong, China. This study will establish cross cultural efficacy of I-FAST for addressing adult mental health problems. CRBHS is currently working with David Grove, one of the developers of the I-FAST model, who has provided training to the agency’s clinical staff, has assisted in identifying the agency’s I-FAST team, and continues to provide bi-weekly on-site consultation with those team members inclusive of live supervision via closed-circuit video observation and real-time feedback. This partnership will continue until two of CRBHS’s I-FAST team members have achieved supervisory status and can take over the supervision / consultation process in-house.
Cambridge Outpatient Office
Zanesville Outpatient Office
St. Clairsville
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